Supreme Vikings confraternity, the Norsemen god ( Odin the one eye god)

 Aromate!!! Let's keep the ORIENTAL laws of

SURVIVAL and maintain OMERTA the law of

SILENCE... TODAY being the day of the ONE EYE GOD;



Norsemen International Gyration

Norse god Odin

was the main

Viking god. He is

also called All-

Father since he is

the father of all the gods and

actually goes by

some 36 different

names. The main

reason for that is

his tendency to disguise himself

on his travels among ordinary people. Wearing a mask, a

long hat and a green coat was his favorite

disguise. He is described as the king of the gods and the

other gods make up his court and serve him

even though they are powerful themselves. Odin is the wisest of the Viking gods and

seeks his knowledge far, even to his arch

enemies the giants. A lot of his knowledge

comes from the giant Mimir. According to the

story he went there to get a drink from the

fountain of Mimir in order to gain supreme knowledge. Mimir didn’t allow him that unless he sacrificed

one of his eyes. From then on Odin has been

with but one eye since the other one is still on

the bottom of Mimir’s fountain. He pulls his

hood over the missing eye and that is one way

of recognizing him when he is traveling among humans. From the giants Odin also got

the mead of poetry. Odin is first and foremost a powerful wizard. 

When Mimir was killed by Vanir, Odin got his

head and he conjured it so that it told him

many secrets. He also used to ask the head for

advice in emergency situations. Wizardry was often conducted with runes and

Odin got his great knowledge of the runes

through an unusual experience. He hung

from a tree for nine nights without food or

drink and with a spear in his side. By suffering this way he gained all the

knowledge of the mysterious runes. Actually

the original meaning of the word rune is

mystery and very few people understood

them. Since the time he hung in the tree, he never

eats which is another way of recognizing him

in his disguise. The mysterious traveler who

does not eat while others do, might be the

Norse god Odin himself in disguise! Odin also used his wizardry to seduce women.

For example he seduced a woman called

Gunnlada to get the mead of poetry. Odin had

her give birth to two boys Vali and Vidir that

were to become avengers of the gods. Vidar is

to avenge Odin and Vali is to avenge Baldur. Odin has two ravens, Huginn and Muninn, that

sit on his shoulders. He sends them each day

to all corners of the world to seek news and

they whisper in his ears everything that they

see and hear. If Odin wants to see things for

himself he often does so by sitting in his throne, Hlidarskialf. From there he can see

every world. Odin’s home is called Valhalla (Hall of battle

slain). It is a magnificent place and many live

there with him because everyone that has

been killed in battle from the beginning of

time gets to go there. These are Odin’s

favourites. Valhalla is a big place with 640 doors and in

armageddon 960 battle dead warriors will

pass through each door to fight the giants. Odin frequently meddled in the affairs of

humans in order to stir up violence and war.

By doing that he increased the number of

warriors in Valhalla that would fight with him

in the final battle. His fate will eventually be

that he’s eaten by the wolf Fenri in the final battle against the giants. 


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