42 Most common cult slangs in Nigeria


Being a Cultist is now regarded as a normal thing these days. Young boys and Girls now belong to one particular Confraternity or the other and sometimes it could be really hard to tell if your child, neighbor or brother is one of them or if you are around a group of cultist planning to do you harm.
All Cultist groups have different Slangs for communicating with themselves. Special codes they could use to plan their devices in your front without you knowing it.

After doing a lot of research and digging, Alongside personal one on one communication with them, here are 35 Cultist Slangs and their Meanings everybody, especially girls should know to be at alert if their planning you harm or evil. 

1. Jew/48
Meaning- Someone that is not a member of any Confraternity

(My brother is a Jew)- in a sentence

2. In-Jew
Meaning- A member of a different Confraternity

3. Bella
Meaning- A female Member of Vikings Confraternity

4. Sticker
Meaning- For Vikings Cult, special code for Cutlass

5. Talasa
Meaning to- To Hit someone till he bleeds

6. H.I.T
Meaning- When the whole crew is going for an ambush

7. O.V.B
Meaning- To kill

8. S.M
Meaning- Personal Girlfriend, the one they can can ride for

9. Odin Ship
Meaning- When a cultists says this to another cultist then he’s referring to the other guy to get him a condom, If you’re a girl Flee from the scene!

10. L.T
Meaning- random chick

11. Wida You
Meaning- Use your head

12. Jetesin-
Meaning- To forget about something

13. Moronto Mornica
Meaning- Tomorrow Morning

14. Ruff sea
Meaning- Conflict/Crisis

15. Manover
Meaning- To steal

16. Manover RBS;
Meaning- Stolen Money

17. Throw Long rope
Meaning-To seek for more Knowledge.

18. Omila Squad
Meaning- Armed Robbers

19. Noron
Meaning- This is a special name for anyone that is not a member of any cultist but cultist members have eyes on him to be one of them. If anyone calls you a Noron then they want to Force you to become a cultist.

20. SK
Meaning- Weed

22. Jonze
Meaning- When Someone fucks up

23. Drive
Meaning To tactically collect someone else’s phone and possession

24. Cramp
Meaning- To catch someone

25; Parambu
Meaning- Police

26. Obembe business
Meaning- A cultist gathering where they share their monthly dues and allowance

27. Panama jack
Meaning- Big Shoe

28. Sink
Meaning- Forcefully refusing to give someone how belonging

29. Panama;
Meaning- Where everybody live freely

30. Iceland
A place that anyone that is not part of the Confraternity cannot enter, If you do you’ll either be Beaten or Forced to join them.

31. B40:
Meaning- Brother

32. 411:
Meaning- What’s up? What’s going on

33. Treasure hunting Zone
Meaning- Any location that is sure for a cultist to get money either by begging for it or Forcefully collecting it.

34. Safari

35. Anchor;
Meaning- Give me

33. Treasure hunting Zone
Meaning- Any location that is sure for a cultist to get money either by begging for it or Forcefully collecting it.

34. Safari

35. Anchor;
Meaning- Give me

36. Janet
Meaning- Punishment

37. Orientation (OT)
Meaning- Knowledge about the blackAxe movement

38. Dodorima/ Dodos to you
Meaning- Praises given to a particular person based on something he did.

39. Kokoma
Meaning- Concoction drink for initiation of new members

40. Korofo (Krf)
Meaning-  the name of the lifeless god ayes/blackAxe worship.
“the cult of the underground” (Yoruba religion).Korofo is often referred to NBM-
“may Korofo squeeze the life out of them” / “Korofo on guard”

41. Jollification/ Jolly
Meaning- Gathering of members for parties and initiation.

42. Egede
Meaning- Originally used for the greetings with the clash of forearms

Kindly share this article to your loved ones, Especially young ones who are going to universities🙏

God is the ultimate Protector of human life but with these little knowledge on Cultist Slangs and their Meanings we can prevent a lot of bad happenings.

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